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ISSN: 1945-5844 (e-only)
ISSN: 0030-8730 (print)
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$\Sp(1)$-symmetric hyper-Kähler quantisation

Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Alessandro Malusà, Gabriele Rembado

Hankel operators on $L^p({\mathbb R}_+)$ and their $p$-completely bounded multipliers

Loris Arnold, Christian Le Merdy, Safoura Zadeh

Stable functorial equivalence of blocks

Serge Bouc, Deniz Yılmaz

Lorentz-Shimogaki and Arazy-Cwikel theorems revisited

Léonard Cadilhac, Fedor Sukochev, Dmitriy Zanin

Combinatorics of the tautological lamination

Danny Calegari

Finite axiomatizability of the rank and the dimension of a pro-$\pi$ group

Martina Conte, Benjamin Klopsch

Unknotted curves on genus one Seifert surfaces of Whitehead doubles

Subhankar Dey, Veronica King, Colby T. Shaw, Bülent Tosun, Bruce Trace

Elliptic genus and string cobordism at dimension $24$

Fei Han, Ruizhi Huang

Limit theorems and wrapping transforms in bi-free probability theory

Takahiro Hasebe, Hao-Wei Huang

The domination monoid in henselian valued fields

Martin Hils, Rosario Mennuni

Tame quasiconformal motions and monodromy

Yunping Jiang, Sudeb Mitra, Zhe Wang

A characterization and solvability of quasi-homogeneous singularities

Guorui Ma, Stephen S.-T. Yau, Qiwei Zhu, Huaiqing Zuo

Inverse semigroup from metrics on doubles III. Commutativity and (in)finiteness of idempotents

Vladimir Manuilov

The number of F_q-points on diagonal hypersurfaces with monomial deformation

Dermot McCarthy

Stable value of depth of symbolic powers of edge ideals of graphs

Nguyen Cong Minh, Tran Nam Trung, Thanh Vu

Deformation of pairs and semiregularity

Takeo Nishinou